Under the name of Big Bear Studios I’ve started releasing Open Source libaries for Ruby (Ruby on Rails) and Unity. Below is a couple of libraries which I have release:
Ruby (Ruby on Rails)
BBServices – v3.1.0
BBServices is a Ruby based service object library which allows the developer to write smaller chunks of code which all follow a similar pattern which makes the code easier to follow, test and maintain.
Link: https://gitlab.com/big-bear-studios-open-source/bbservices
BBAttribute Filters – v1.0.0
A simple attribute handler which allows the accessing of attributes via methods and Procs, these attributes can have conditions applied to them via :if, :unless like the Rails Controller handlers. E.g. before_action filters.
Link: https://gitlab.com/big-bear-studios-open-source/bbattributefilters
C# (Unity)
BBUnity Core – v1.2.1
A collection of core functionality which is shared between all BBUnity, it includes:
- Shared Attributes (Readonly, Layer)
- Base Behviour
- Conversion (Numbers, Strings, Lists)
- Utilities (Creating GameObjects, Adding Components)
- Validation
Link: https://gitlab.com/big-bear-studios-open-source/bbunitycore
BBUnityEvents – v1.0.1
BBUnity Events is an Event library for Unity 3D, provides an Event System and Events allowing developers to register, listen and dispatch events.
Link: https://gitlab.com/big-bear-studios-open-source/bbunityevents
BBUnity Sprite Animator – v1.1.2
BBUnity Sprite Animator is a simple animation library which allows the animation through a selection of sprites. This is useful if you don’t want to use the old Unity animator component or the new system due to its complexity.
Link: https://gitlab.com/big-bear-studios-open-source/bbunityspriteanimator
BBUnity Pools – v1.0.2
Extendable pool system for Unity 3D. Allows the spawning of GameObjects from prefab with limits on the minimum, maximum and various options to control the instanciation.
Link: https://gitlab.com/big-bear-studios-open-source/bbunitypools